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Chemistry NEP 2020

Credit: Theory-04, Full Marks=100, Pass Marks= 40, Lectures:60
Marks: 25 (5 Attendance+ 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Examination (SIE 20+5=25 marks):

The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Examination Written Test (SIE) of 20 Mark (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) including the behaviour of the student towards teachers and other students of the College of 5 marks.

End Semester Examination (ESE 75 marks):

There will be two group of questions A and B. Group A is compulsory which will contain three questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question No. 2 & 3 will be short answer type of 5 marks. Group B will contain descriptive type seven questions of fifteen marks each, out of which any four are to be answered.

Note: There may be subdivisions in the questions of group B.

Unit-1 Atomic Structure: (12 Lectures)

Bohr’s theory, its limitations and atomic spectrum of hydrogen atom. Wave mechanics: de’ Broglie equation, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and its significance, Schrödinger’s wave equation, significance of ψ and ψ2. Quantum numbers and their significance. Normalized and orthogonal wave functions. Sign of wave functions. Radial and angular wave functions for hydrogen atom. Radial and angular distribution curves. Shapes of s, p, d and f orbitals. Contour boundary and probability diagrams. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle, Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity, Aufbau’s principle and its limitations, Variation of orbital energy with atomic number.

Unit-2 Periodicity of Elements: (12 Lectures)

s, p, d, f block elements, the long form of periodic table. Detailed discussion of the following properties of the elements, with reference to s and p-block. Effective nuclear charge, shielding or screening effect, Slater rules, variation of effective nuclear charge in periodic table. , Atomic radii (Vander Waals) ,Ionic and crystal radii, Covalent radii (octahedral and tetrahedral) Ionization enthalpy, Successive ionization enthalpies and factors affecting ionization energy. Applications of ionization enthalpy, Electron gain enthalpy, trends of electron gain enthalpy. Electronegativity, Pauling, Mullikan, Allred Rachow scales, electronegativity and bond order, partial charge, hybridization, group electronegativity, Sanderson electron density ratio.

Unit-3 Chemical Bonding: (30 Lectures)

a)      Ionic bond: General characteristics, types of ions, size effects, radius ratio rule and its limitations. Packing of ions in crystals. Born-Lande equation with derivation, Madelung constant, expression for lattice energy, Kapustinskii equation. Born-Haber cycle and its application, Solvation energy.

b)      Covalent bond: Lewis structure, Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory (VSEPR), Shapes of simple molecules and ions containing lone and bond pairs of electrons multiple bonding, sigma and pi-bond approach, Valence Bond theory, (Heitler-London approach). Hybridization containing s, p and s, p, d atomic orbitals, shapes of hybrid

orbitals, Bents rule, Resonance and resonance energy, Molecular orbital theory, Molecular orbital diagrams of simple homonuclear and heteronuclear diatomic molecules: N2, O2, C2, B2, F2, CO, NO, and their ions. Covalent character in ionic compounds; polarization, polarizing power and polarizability. Fajan rules. Ionic character in covalent compounds: Bond moment and dipole moment, ionic character from dipole moment and electronegativities.

c)      Metallic Bond: Qualitative idea of free electron model, Semiconductors, Insulators.

d)      Weak Chemical Forces: Vander Waals, ion-dipole, dipole-dipole, induced dipole dipole-induced dipole interactions, hydrogen bond, effects of hydrogen bonding on melting and boiling points, solubility, dissolution

Unit-4: Oxidation-Reduction and Volumetric Analysis: (6 Lectures)                              Redox equations, Balancing by Ion electron method & Oxidation number method. Disproportionation Reaction. Principles involved in volumetric analysis.

Credit: Theory-04, Full Marks=100, Pass Marks= 40, Lectures:60
Marks: 25 (5 Attendance+ 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Examination (SIE 20+5=25 marks):

The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Examination Written Test (SIE) of 20 Mark (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) including the behaviour of the student towards teachers and other students of the College of 5 marks.

End Semester Examination (ESE 75 marks):

There will be two group of questions A and B. Group A is compulsory which will contain three questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question No. 2 & 3 will be short answer type of 5 marks. Group B will contain descriptive type seven questions of fifteen marks each, out of which any four are to be answered.

Note: There may be subdivisions in the questions of group B.

Unit-1 Gaseous state: (20 Lectures)

Kinetic Molecular model of a gas: Postulates and derivation of the kinetic gas equation, collision frequency, collision diameter, mean free path and viscosity of gases, their temperature and pressure dependence, relation between mean free path and coefficient of viscosity, calculation of σ from η, variation of viscosity with temperature and pressure. Maxwell distribution and its use in evaluating molecular velocities (average, root mean square and most probable) and average kinetic energy, law of equipartition of energy, degrees of freedom and molecular basis of heat capacities.

Behaviour of real gases: Deviation from ideal gas behaviour, Compressibility factor, Z , Variation of compressibility factor with pressure at constant temperature (plot of Z vs P) for different gases ( H2, CO2, CH4 and NH3), Causes of deviation from ideal behaviour. van der Waals equation of state, its derivation and application in explaining real gas behaviour. Boyle’s temperature. Isotherms of real gases and their comparison with van der Waals isotherms, continuity of states, critical state, critical and van der Waals constants, law of corresponding states.

Unit-2 Liquid State: (10 Lectures)

Structure and physical properties of liquids; vapour pressure, surface tension, viscosity, and their dependence on temperature, Effect of addition of various solutes on surface tension, cleansing action of detergents. Structure of water.

Unit-3: Solid State: (10 Lectures)

Nature of the solid state, law of constancy of interfacial angles, law of rational indices, Miller indices, elementary ideas of symmetry, symmetry elements and symmetry operations, qualitative idea of point and space groups, seven crystal systems and fourteen Bravais lattices, X-ray diffraction, Bragg's law, a simple account of rotating crystal method and powder pattern method. Analysis of powder diffraction patterns of NaCl, CsCl and KCl. Various types of defects in crystals, Glasses and liquid crystals.

Unit -4 Ionic Equilibrium: (20 Lectures)

Concept of Equilibrium. Le Chatlier’s principle and its applications. Relationships between Kp, Kc and Kx for reactions involving ideal gases (Kinetic derivation). Equilibrium between ideal gases and a pure condensed phase.

Strong, moderate and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, factors affecting degree of ionization, ionization constant and ionic product of water. Ionization of weak acids and bases, pH scale, common ion effect, dissociation constants of mono-, di- and tri-protic acids. Salt hydrolysis, hydrolysis constants, degree of hydrolysis and pH of different salt solutions. Buffer solutions, Henderson equation, buffer capacity, buffer range, buffer action, applications of buffers in analytical chemistry, Solubility and solubility product.

Qualitative treatment of acid–base titration curves (calculation of pH at various stages). Theories of indicators, selection of indicators and their limitations. Multistage equilibria in polyelectrolytes.

Credit: Theory-04, 120 Hours, Full Marks=100, Pass Marks= 40
Marks: 25 (Attendance=5 + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 6Hrs) = 100, Pass Marks: Practical (SIE + ESE) = 40

Instructions to Question Setter for

Sessional Internal Practical Examination (SIE):

There will be one Sessional Internal Practical Examination of 2 Hrs duration.

Evaluation of Practical Examination may be as per the following guidelines:

One Experiment = 20 marks

Attendance=5 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE):

There will be one Practical Examination of 6 Hrs duration.

Evaluation of Practical Examination may be as per the following guidelines:

Two Experiments = 65 marks

Practical record notebook= 5 marks

Viva-voce= 5 marks

Section -A: Inorganic Chemistry

(A) Acid-Base Titrations

1.      Estimation of carbonate and hydroxide present together in mixture.

2.      Estimation of carbonate and bicarbonate present together in a mixture.

3.      Estimation of free alkali present in different soaps/detergents

(B) Oxidation-Reduction Titrations

1.      Estimation of Fe(II) and oxalic acid using standardized KMnO4 solution.

2.      Estimation of oxalic acid and sodium oxalate in a given mixture.

3.      Estimation of Fe(II) with K2Cr2O7 using internal (diphenylamine, anthranilic acid) and external indicator.

Section -B: Physical Chemistry

Surface Tension Measurements.

1.      Determine the surface tension by (i) Drop number (ii) Drop weight method.

2.      Study the variation of surface tension of detergent solutions with concentration.

3.      Study the effect of the addition of solutes on the surface tension of water at room temperature and explain the observations in terms of molecular interactions:

4.      (i)sugar (ii) ethanol (iii) sodium chloride

5.      Study the variation of surface tension with different concentration of sodium chloride solutions.

Viscosity measurements using Ostwald’s viscometer.

1.      Determination of viscosity of aqueous solution of (i) polymer (ii) ethanol and (iii) sugar at room temperature.

2.      Viscosity of sucrose solution with the concentration of solute. 

Ionic Equilibrium and pH measurements

1. Preparation of buffer solutions of different pH

i. Sodium acetate-acetic acid

ii. Ammonium chloride-ammonium hydroxide

2. pH metric titration of (i) strong acid vs. strong base, (ii) weak acid vs. strong base.

3. Determination of dissociation constant of a weak acid.

4. Measurement of pH of different solutions like aerated drinks, fruit juices, shampoos and soaps (use dilute solutions of soaps and shampoos to prevent damage to the glass electrode) using pH-meter.

Credit: Theory-04, Full Marks=100, Pass Marks= 40, Lectures:60
Marks: 25 (5 Attendance+ 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Examination (SIE 20+5=25 marks):

The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Examination Written Test (SIE) of 20 Mark (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) including the behaviour of the student towards teachers and other students of the College of 5 marks.

End Semester Examination (ESE 75 marks):

There will be two group of questions A and B. Group A is compulsory which will contain three questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question No. 2 & 3 will be short answer type of 5 marks. Group B will contain descriptive type seven questions of fifteen marks each, out of which any four are to be answered.

Note: There may be subdivisions in the questions of group B.

Unit-1 Basics of Organic Chemistry: (16 Lectures)

Organic Compounds: Classification and Nomenclature, Hybridization, shape of molecules, influence of hybridization on bond properties. Electron Displacement Effects: inductive, electromeric, resonance and mesomeric effects. Tautomerism, hyperconjugation and their applications. Dipole moment, Organic acids and bases, their relative strength. Homolytic and Heterolytic fission with suitable examples. Curly arrow rules, formal charges, Electrophiles and Nucleophiles, Nucleophilicity and basicity, Types, shape and relative stability of reaction intermediates (Carbocations, Carbanions, Free radicals and Carbenes). Aromaticity in benzenoid and non-benzenoid compounds, alternant and non-alternant hydrocarbons, Huckel’s rule, annulenes, antiaromaticity, Y-aromaticity, homo-aromaticity, bonding in fullerenes, crown ether complexes and cryptands, inclusion compounds, cyclodextrins, catenanes and rotaxanes. Organic reactions and their mechanism: Addition, Elimination and Substitution reactions.

Unit-2 Stereochemistry: (12 Lectures)

Concept of asymmetry, Fischer Projection, Newmann and Sawhorse projection formulae and their interconversions; Geometrical isomerism: cis–trans and, syn-anti isomerism E/Z notations with C.I.P rules. Optical Isomerism: Optical Activity, Specific Rotation, Chirality/Asymmetry, Enantiomers, Molecules with two or more chiral-centres, Distereoisomers, meso structures, Racemic mixtures, Relative and absolute configuration: D/L and R/S designations. Threo & Erythreo isomers.

Cycloalkanes and stability, Baeyer strain theory, Conformation analysis, Energy diagrams of cyclohexane: Chair, Boat and Twist boat forms.

Unit-3 Chemistry of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: (16 Lectures)

a)      Alkanes: Formation of alkanes, Wurtz Reaction, Corey House Synthesis, Kolbe’s Synthesis, Free radical substitutions: Halogenation - relative reactivity and selectivity. Lengthening and shortening of carbon chain in alkanes.

b)     Alkenes and Alkynes: Formation of alkenes and alkynes by elimination reactions, Mechanism of E1, E2, E1cb reactions. Saytzeff and Hofmann eliminations. Reactions of alkenes: Electrophilic additions their mechanisms (Markownikoff/ Anti Markownikoff addition), mechanism of oxymercuration demercuration, hydroboration-oxidation, ozonolysis, reduction (catalytic and chemical), syn and anti-hydroxylation (oxidation), reaction with NBS, 1, 2- and 1, 4- addition reactions in conjugated dienes and, Diels Alder reaction; Allylic and benzylic bromination and mechanism, e.g. propene, 1-butene, toluene, ethyl benzene. Reactions of alkynes: Acidity, Electrophilic and Nucleophilic additions. Relative reactivity of alkenes and alkynes.

Unit-4 Chemistry of Aromatic Hydrocarbons: (16 Lectures)   

a)      Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Aromaticity: Aromatic character of arenes, cyclic carbocations/carbanions and heterocyclic compounds with suitable examples. Electrophilic aromatic substitution: halogenation, nitration, sulphonation and Friedel-Craft's alkylation/acylation with their mechanism. Directing effects of substituent groups.

b)      Polynuclear Hydrocarbons: Reactions of naphthalene and anthracene: Structure, Preparation and structure elucidation and important derivatives of naphthalene and anthracene.

Credit: Theory-04, 120 Hours, Full Marks=100, Pass Marks= 40,
Marks: 25 (Attendance=5 + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 6Hrs) = 100, Pass Marks: Practical (SIE + ESE) = 40

Instructions to Question Setter for
Sessional Internal Practical Examination (SIE):
There will be one Sessional Internal Practical Examination of 2 Hrs duration.
Evaluation of Practical Examination may be as per the following guidelines:
One Experiment = 20 marks
Attendance=5 Marks
End Semester Examination (ESE):
There will be one Practical Examination of 6 Hrs duration.
Evaluation of Practical Examination may be as per the following guidelines:
Two Experiments = 65 marks
Practical record notebook= 5 marks
Viva-voce= 5 marks

Section -A: Acquaintance with Chemistry Laboratory

1. Common Laboratory Apparatus

Test tube, Beakers, Erlenmeyer flask, Volumetric flask, graduated cylinder, Pipette, Graduated pipette, Burette, Burette clamp. Funnel, Test tube holder, Bunsen burner, Glass rod, Utility clamp, Spot test plate, Tripod for Bunsen burner, Wash bottle, Spatula, Round-bottom flasks, Glass Condenser, Filter paper, Separatory funnel, Chemical balance, Furnaces etc.

2. Common Symbols of Laboratory Concerns

Biohazard, Highly Flammable, Oxidizing, Corrosive, Harmful/Irritant, Radioactive, Explosive, Toxic, Dangerous for the Environment etc.

3. Common Laboratory Reagents

Common Acids, Common Bases, Common Inorganic/Organic Salts, Organic Compounds, Common Solvents, Difference between Dilute/Concentrated/Fuming liquids.

4. Chemistry Laboratory Techniques

Cutting, Bending & Rounding edge of glass tube & glass rods, fitting glassware’s, fitting equipment for Fractional distillation, drawing liquids through pipette, burette & measuring cylinders, Diluting a solution to a known strength, Safe storage of chemicals. Calibration and use of apparatus. Preparation of solutions of different Molarity/Normality of titrants. Use of primary and secondary standard solutions.

Section -B: Organic Chemistry

I. Common Procedures

1. Heating/Boiling with and without condenser, Filtration techniques, Separation techniques, Crystallization techniques. 

2. Purification of organic compounds (say naphthalene & others) by crystallization using the following solvents: 

a. Water        b. Alcohol        c. Alcohol-Water         d. Acetone       e. Hexane        f. Toluene

3. Determination of the melting points 

a.    Determination of the melting points of above compounds and unknown organic compounds

b)   (Kjeldahl method and electrically heated melting point apparatus)  

a.    Effect of impurities on the melting point – mixed melting point of two unknown organic compounds  

b.    Determination of boiling point of liquid compounds. (Boiling point lower than and more than 100 °C by distillation and capillary method). 

Credit: Theory-04, Full Marks=100, Pass Marks= 40, Lectures:60
Marks: 25 (5 Attendance+ 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Examination (SIE 20+5=25 marks):

The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Examination Written Test (SIE) of 20 Mark (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) including the behaviour of the student towards teachers and other students of the College of 5 marks.

End Semester Examination (ESE 75 marks):

There will be two group of questions A and B. Group A is compulsory which will contain three questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question No. 2 & 3 will be short answer type of 5 marks. Group B will contain descriptive type seven questions of fifteen marks each, out of which any four are to be answered.

Note: There may be subdivisions in the questions of group B.

UNIT 1: Chemistry of Halogenated Hydrocarbons: (10 Lectures)

Alkyl halides: Methods of preparation, nucleophilic substitution reactions – SN1, SN2 and SNi mechanisms with stereochemical aspects and effect of solvent etc. Nucleophilic substitution vs. elimination.

Aryl halides: Preparation from diazonium salts. nucleophilic aromatic substitution, SNAr, Benzyne mechanism. Relative reactivity of alkyl, allyl/benzyl, vinyl and aryl halides towards nucleophilic substitution reactions.

Organometallic compounds of Mg and Li and their use in synthesis.

UNIT 2: Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers and Epoxides: (10 Lectures)

Alcohols: preparation, properties and relative reactivity of 1°, 2°, 3°- alcohols, Bouveault-Blanc Reduction, Preparation and properties of glycols and glycerol. Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement.

Phenols: Preparation and properties, Acidic nature and factors affecting it, Ring substitution reactions, Reimer–Tiemann and Kolbe's–Schmidt Reactions, Fries and Claisen rearrangements with mechanism.

Ethers and Epoxides: Preparation and reaction with acids. Reaction of epoxides with alcohols, ammonia derivatives and LiAlH4

UNIT 3: Carbonyl Compounds: (16 Lectures)

Structure, reactivity and preparation of Carbonyl compounds. Nucleophilic additions, Nucleophilic addition elimination reactions with ammonia derivatives with mechanism. Aldol and Benzoin condensation, Knoevenagel condensation, Claisen-Schmidt, Perkin, Cannizzaro and Wittig reaction, Beckmann and Benzil- Benzilic acid rearrangements, haloform reaction and Baeyer Villiger oxidation, α-substitution reactions, oxidations and reductions (Clemmensen, Wolff- Kishner, LiAlH4, NaBH4, MPV, PDC and PGC), Addition reactions of unsaturated carbonyl compounds: Michael addition.

UNIT 4: Carboxylic Acids and their Derivatives: (8 Lectures)

Preparation, physical properties and reactions of monocarboxylic acids, Typical reactions of dicarboxylic acids,hydroxy acids and unsaturated acids: succinic/phthalic, lactic, malic, tartaric, citric, maleic and fumaric acids,Preparation and reactions of acid chlorides, anhydrides, esters and amides, Comparative study of nucleophilic substitution at acyl group, Mechanism of acidic and alkaline hydrolysis of esters, Claisen condensation, Dieckmann and Reformatsky reactions, Hofmann bromamide degradation and Curtius rearrangement.

UNIT 5: Chemistry of Active methylene groups: (4 Lectures)

Active methylene compounds: Keto-enol tautomerism. Preparation and synthetic applications of diethyl malonate and ethyl acetoacetate.

Credit: Theory-04, Full Marks=100, Pass Marks= 40, Lectures:60
Marks: 25 (5 Attendance+ 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 3Hrs) = 100 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 40

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Examination (SIE 20+5=25 marks):

The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Examination Written Test (SIE) of 20 Mark (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) including the behaviour of the student towards teachers and other students of the College of 5 marks.

End Semester Examination (ESE 75 marks):

There will be two group of questions A and B. Group A is compulsory which will contain three questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question No. 2 & 3 will be short answer type of 5 marks. Group B will contain descriptive type seven questions of fifteen marks each, out of which any four are to be answered.

Note: There may be subdivisions in the questions of group B.

UNIT 1: Introduction & First Law of thermodynamics: (8 Lectures)

Intensive and extensive properties, thermodynamic variables, state and path functions, isolated, closed and open systems, reversible, irreversible and cyclic processes. Zeroth law of thermodynamics. First law of Thermodynamics: Concept of heat, q, work, w, internal energy, enthalpy, relation between heat capacities, calculations of q, w, U and H for reversible and irreversible processes. Expression for work done under free expansion of gases for isothermal and adiabatic conditions. 

UNIT 2: Thermochemistry: (9 Lectures)

Heat of reactions: standard states, enthalpy of formation of molecules and ions. Enthalpy of reactions (combustion, neutralization, solution etc) and its applications, calculation of bond energy, bond dissociation energy and resonance energy from thermochemical data, effect of temperature (Kirchhoff's equations) and pressure on enthalpy of reactions.

UNIT 3: Second & Third Law of Thermodynamics: (7 Lectures)

Concept of entropy, thermodynamic scale of temperature, statement of the second law of thermodynamics, molecular and statistical interpretation of entropy. Calculation of entropy change for reversible and irreversible processes.

Third Law:  Statement of third law, concept of residual entropy, calculation of absolute entropy of molecules.

UNIT 4: Free Energy Functions: (6 Lectures)

Gibbs and Helmholtz energy, variation of S, G, A with T, V, P, Free energy change and spontaneity. Relation between Joule-Thomson coefficient and other thermodynamic parameters, inversion temperature, Gibbs Helmholtz equation, Maxwell relations, thermodynamic equations of state.

UNIT 5: Partial molar quantities: (8 Lectures)

Partial molar quantities, dependence of thermodynamic parameters on composition, Gibbs- Duhem equation, chemical potential of ideal mixtures, change in thermodynamic functions in mixing of ideal gases.

UNIT 6: Dilute solutions: (10 Lectures)

Dilute solutions, lowering of vapour pressure, Raoult's and Henry's Laws and their applications. Colligative properties of solutions, abnormal colligative properties, Van’t Hoffs factor. Thermodynamic derivation using chemical potential to derive relations between the (i) relative lowering of vapour pressure, (ii) elevation of boiling point, (iii) Depression of freezing point, (iv) osmotic pressure and amount of solute. Applications in calculating molar masses of normal, dissociated and associated solutes in solution. Azeotropes.

UNIT 7: Thermodynamics of Chemical Equilibrium (12 Lectures)

Criteria of thermodynamic equilibrium, degree of advancement of reaction, chemical equilibria in ideal gases, concept of fugacity. Thermodynamic derivation of relation between Gibbs free energy of reaction and reaction quotient. Coupling of exoergic and endoergic reactions. Equilibrium constants and their quantitative dependence on temperature, pressure and concentration. Free energy of mixing and spontaneity; thermodynamic derivation of relations between the various equilibrium constants Kp, Kc and Kx.  

Credit: Theory-04, 120 Hours, Full Marks=100, Pass Marks= 40,
Marks: 25 (Attendance=5 + 20 SIE: 1Hr) + 75 (ESE: 6Hrs) = 100, Pass Marks: Practical (SIE + ESE) = 40

Instructions to Question Setter for

Sessional Internal Practical Examination (SIE):
There will be one Sessional Internal Practical Examination of 2 Hrs duration.
Evaluation of Practical Examination may be as per the following guidelines:
One Experiment = 20 marks
Attendance=5 Marks
End Semester Examination (ESE):
There will be one Practical Examination of 6 Hrs duration.
Evaluation of Practical Examination may be as per the following guidelines:
Two Experiments = 65 marks
Practical record notebook= 5 marks
Viva-voce= 5 marks

I. Organic Chemistry

1.  Detection of extra elements in organic compounds. 

2.  Functional group test for nitro, amine and amide groups 

3.  Functional group tests for alcohols, phenols, carbonyl and carboxylic acid group.

4.  Qualitative analysis of unknown organic compounds containing simple functional groups (alcohols, carboxylic acids, phenols and carbonyl compounds)  

5.  Organic preparations:   

a.    Oxidation of Benzaldehyde to benzoic acid. 

b.    Hydrolysis of amides and esters. 

c.     Preparation of Semi carbazone derivatives of the following compounds: acetone, ethyl methyl ketone, cyclohexanone, benzaldehyde. 

d.    Preparation of methyl orange. 

II. Thermochemistry

(a)      Determination of heat capacity of a calorimeter for different volumes using change of enthalpy data of a known system (method of back calculation of heat capacity of calorimeter from known enthalpy of solution or enthalpy of neutralization).

(b)     Determination of heat capacity of the calorimeter and enthalpy of neutralization of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide.

(c)       Calculation of the enthalpy of ionization of ethanoic acid.

(d)     Determination of heat capacity of the calorimeter and integral enthalpy (endothermic and exothermic) solution of salts.

(e)     Determination of basicity/proticity of a polyprotic acid by the thermochemical method in terms of the changes of temperatures observed in the graph of temperature versus time for different additions of a base. Also calculate the enthalpy of neutralization of the first step.

(f)       Determination of enthalpy of hydration of copper sulphate.

(g)      Study of the solubility of benzoic acid in water and determination of Δ H.


Credit: Theory-03, 45 Hours, Full Marks=75, Pass Marks= 30
Marks: 15 (5 Attd. + 10 SIE: 1Hr) + 60 (ESE: 3Hrs) =75 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 30
Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Examination (SIE 10+5=15 marks):

There will be two group of questions.

The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Examination Written Test (SIE) of 10 Mark. Question No.1 will be very short answer type in Group A consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Group B will contain descriptive type two questions of five marks each, out of which any one to answer. (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) including the behaviour of the student towards teachers and other students of the College of 5 marks.

End Semester Examination (ESE 60 marks):

There will be two group of questions. Group A is compulsory which will contain three questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question No.2 & 3 will be short answer type of 5 marks. Group B will contain descriptive type five questions of fifteen marks each, out of which any three are to answer.

Note: There may be subdivisions in the questions of group B.

Section A: Physical Chemistry 

UNIT I: Chemical Energetics: (8 classes each of 60 minutes duration)

Review of thermodynamics and the Laws of Thermodynamics. 

Important principles and definitions of thermochemistry. Concept of standard state and standard enthalpies of formations. Calculation of bond energy, bond dissociation energy from thermochemical data. Statement of Third Law of thermodynamics and calculation of absolute entropies of substances.  

UNIT II: Chemical Kinetics: (7 classes each of 60 minutes duration) 

The concept of reaction rates. Effect of temperature, pressure, catalyst and other factors on reaction rates. Order and molecularity of a reaction. Derivation of integrated rate equations for zero, first and second order reactions (both for equal and unequal concentrations of reactants). Half–life of a reaction. General methods for determination of order of a reaction. Concept of activation energy and its calculation from Arrhenius equation. 

Section B: Inorganic Chemistry 

UNIT III:  Atomic Structure: (5 classes each of 60 minutes duration)

What is Quantum mechanics?  Time independent Schrodinger equation and meaning of various terms in it. Significance of ψ and ψ2 , Schrodinger equation for hydrogen atom. Radial and angular parts of the hydrogenic wave functions (atomic orbitals) and their variations for 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p and 3d orbitals (Only graphical representation). Radial and angular nodes and their significance. Radial distribution functions and the concept of the most probable distance with special reference to 1s and 2s atomic orbitals. Significance of quantum numbers, orbital angular momentum and quantum numbers ml and ms. Shapes of s, p and d atomic orbitals, nodal planes. Discovery of spin, spin quantum number (s) and magnetic spin quantum number (ms). 

Rules for filling electrons in various orbitals, Electronic configurations of the atoms. Stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals, concept of exchange energy. Relative energies of atomic orbitals, Anomalous electronic configurations.

UNIT IV: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure: (10 classes each of 60 minutes duration) 

Ionic Bonding: General characteristics of ionic bonding. Energy considerations in ionic bonding, lattice energy and solvation energy and their importance in the context of stability and solubility of ionic compounds. Polarizing power and polarizability. Fajan’s rules, ionic character in covalent compounds, bond moment, dipole moment and percentage ionic character. 

Covalent bonding: VB Approach: Shapes of some inorganic molecules and ions on the basis of VSEPR and hybridization with suitable examples of linear, trigonal planar, square planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal and octahedral arrangements.   

Section C: Organic Chemistry 

UNIT V: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry: (3 classes each of 60 minutes duration)  

Inductive Effect, Electromeric Effect, Resonance and Hyperconjugation. Cleavage of Bonds: Homolysis and Heterolysis. Structure, shape and reactivity of organic molecules:  Nucleophiles and electrophiles. Reactive Intermediates: Carbocations, Carbanions and free radicals. 

Aromaticity: Benzenoids and Hückel’s rule.       

UNIT VI: Aliphatic hydrocarbons: 

Alkanes: (4 classes each of 60 minutes duration) (Upto 5 Carbons)

Preparation: Catalytic hydrogenation, Wurtz reaction, Kolbe’s synthesis, from Grignard reagent. Reactions: Free radical Substitution: Halogenation                                           

Alkenes: (3 classes each of 60 minutes duration) (Upto 5 Carbons)  

Preparation: Elimination reactions: Dehydration of alkenes and dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides (Saytzeff’s rule),  Reactions:  cis-addition (alk. KMnO4) and trans-addition (bromine), Addition of HX (Markownikoff’s and antiMarkownikoff’s addition), Hydration, Ozonolysis, oxymecuration-demercuration, Hydroboration-oxidation. 

Alkynes: (3 classes each of 60 minutes duration) (Upto 5 Carbons)  

Preparation: Acetylene from CaC2 and conversion into higher alkynes, by dehalogenation of tetra halides and dehydrohalogenation of vicinal-dihalides. 

Reactions: Formation of metal acetylides, addition of bromine and alkaline KMnO4, ozonolysis and oxidation with hot alkaline KMnO4. 

UNIT VII: Aromatic hydrocarbons: (5 classes each of 60 minutes duration)  

Preparation of benzene: from phenol, by decarboxylation, from acetylene, from benzene sulphonic acid.   Reactions of benzene: Electrophilic substitution: nitration, halogenation and sulphonation. Friedel-Craft’s reaction (alkylation and acylation). Side chain oxidation of alkyl benzenes (upto 4 carbons on benzene)

Credit: Theory-01, 30 Hours, Full Marks=25, Pass Marks= 10

End Semester Examination (ESE):
There will be one Practical Examination of 3 Hours duration. Evaluation of Practical Examination may be as per the following guidelines:
One Experiment = 15 marks
Practical record notebook = 05 marks
Viva-voce = 05 marks
Section A: Physical


1. Determination of heat capacity of calorimeter.

2. Determination of enthalpy of neutralization of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide. 

3. Determination of integral enthalpy of solution of salts (KNO3, NH4Cl). 

4. Determination of enthalpy of hydration of copper sulphate. 

Section B: Inorganic Chemistry - Volumetric Analysis 

1. Acid-Base Titrations 

a. Estimation of oxalic acid present in the supplied sample.

b. Estimation of sodium hydroxide present in given sample.

c.  Estimation of amount of acetic acid in vinegar solution.

d. Estimation of carbonate and hydroxide present together in mixture.  

e.  Estimation of carbonate and bicarbonate present together in a mixture.  

f.  Estimation of free alkali present in different soaps/detergents.

2. Oxidation-Reduction Titrimetry

a. Estimation of Fe(II) in supplied solution using standardized KMnO4 solution.  

b. Estimation of oxalic acid using standardized KMnO4 solution.

c.  Estimation of percentage of Fe(II) in Iron fillings with standard K2Cr2O7 

Section C: Organic Chemistry 

1. Purification of organic compounds by crystallization (from water and alcohol) and distillation. 

2. Criteria of Purity: Determination of melting and boiling points. 

3. Recrystallisation, determination of melting point and calculation of quantitative yields to be done. 

a. Benzoylation of amines/phenols 

b. Oxime and 2,4 dinitrophenyl hydrazone of aldehyde/ketone  

Minor Course
Credit: Theory-03, 45 Hours, Full Marks=75, Pass Marks= 30
Marks: 15 (5 Attd. + 10 SIE: 1Hr) + 60 (ESE: 3Hrs)=75 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 30

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Examination (SIE 10+5=15 marks):

There will be two group of questions.

The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Examination Written Test (SIE) of 10 Mark. Question No.1 will be very short answer type in Group A consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Group B will contain descriptive type two questions of five marks each, out of which any one to answer. (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) including the behaviour of the student towards teachers and other students of the College of 5 marks.

End Semester Examination (ESE 60 marks):

There will be two group of questions. Group A is compulsory which will contain three questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question No.2 & 3 will be short answer type of 5 marks. Group B will contain descriptive type five questions of fifteen marks each, out of which any three are to answer.

Note: There may be subdivisions in the questions of group B.

Section A: Physical Chemistry 

UNIT I: Equilibrium: (15 classes each of 60 minutes duration)  

Chemical Equilibria: Le Chatelier’s principle. Relationships between Kp, Kc and Kx for reactions involving ideal gases. Free energy change in a chemical reaction. Thermodynamic derivation of the law of chemical equilibrium. Distinction between ΔG° and ΔG , 

Ionic Equilibria: Strong, moderate and weak electrolytes, degree of ionization, factors affecting degree of ionization, ionization constant and ionic product of water. Ionization of weak acids and bases, pH scale, common ion effect. Salt hydrolysis-calculation of hydrolysis constant, degree of hydrolysis and pH for different salts. Buffer solutions. Solubility and solubility product of sparingly soluble salts – applications of solubility product principle.           

Section B: Inorganic Chemistry (8 classes each of 60 minutes duration)  

MO Approach:  Rules for the LCAO method, bonding and antibonding MOs and their characteristics for s-s, sp and p-p combinations of atomic orbitals, nonbonding combination of orbitals, MO treatment of homonuclear diatomic molecules of 1st and 2nd periods (including idea of s-p mixing) and heteronuclear diatomic molecules such as CO, NO and NO . Comparison of VB and MO approaches. 

Section C: Organic Chemistry 

UNIT II: Alkyl and Aryl Halides 

Alkyl Halides (Upto 5 Carbons) (5 classes each of 60 minutes duration)                                                                Types of Nucleophilic Substitution (SN1, SN2 and SNi) reactions.  Preparation: from alkenes and alcohols.  Reactions: hydrolysis, nitrite & nitro formation, nitrile & isonitrile formation. Williamson’s ether synthesis: Elimination vs substitution.  

Aryl Halides (3 classes each of 60 minutes duration)  

Preparation: (Chloro, bromo and iodo-benzene case): from phenol, Sandmeyer & Gattermann reactions.   Reactions (Chlorobenzene): Aromatic nucleophilic substitution (replacement by –OH group) and effect of nitro substituent. Benzyne Mechanism: KNH2/NH3 (or NaNH2/NH3). 

Reactivity and Relative strength of C-Halogen bond in alkyl, allyl, benzyl, vinyl and aryl halides. 

Alcohols: (4 classes each of 60 minutes duration)  

Preparation: Preparation of 1o, 2о and 3o alcohols: using Grignard reagent, Ester hydrolysis, Reduction of aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acid and esters. 

Reactions: With sodium, HX (Lucas test), esterification, oxidation (with PCC, alk. KMnO4, acidic dichromate, conc. HNO3). Oppeneauer oxidation Diols: (Upto 6 Carbons) oxidation of diols. Pinacol-Pinacolone rearrangement. 

Phenols: (3 classes each of 60 minutes duration)  

Preparation: Cumene hydroperoxide method, from diazonium salts.

Reactions: Electrophilic substitution:  Nitration, halogenation and sulphonation. Reimer- Tiemann Reaction, Gattermann-Koch Reaction, Houben–Hoesch Condensation, Schotten – Baumann Reaction. 

Ethers (aliphatic and aromatic): (2 classes each of 60 minutes duration)                                                    Cleavage of ethers with HI. 

Aldehydes and ketones (aliphatic and aromatic): (5 classes each of 60 minutes duration) (Formaldehye, acetaldehyde, acetone and benzaldehyde)  Preparation: from acid chlorides and from nitriles. 

Reactions– Reaction with HCN, ROH, NaHSO3, NH2-G derivatives. Iodoform test. Aldol Condensation, Cannizzaro’s reaction, Wittig reaction, Benzoin condensation. Clemensen reduction and Wolff Kishner reduction. Meerwein-Pondorff Verley reduction. 

Credit: Theory-01, 30 Hours, Full Marks=25, Pass Marks= 10

End Semester Examination (ESE): 

There will be one Practical Examination of 3 Hours duration. Evaluation of Practical Examination may be as per the following guidelines:
One Experiment = 15 marks
Practical record notebook = 05 marks
Viva-voce = 05 marks                                     

Section A: Physical Chemistry 

Ionic equilibria pH measurements 

1.  Measurement of pH of different solutions like aerated drinks, fruit juices, shampoos and soaps (use dilute solutions of soaps and shampoos to prevent damage to the glass electrode) using pH-meter. 

2.  Determine the pH of the given aerated drinks fruit juices, shampoos and soaps.  

3.  Preparation of buffer solutions:

a.  Sodium acetate-acetic acid

b.  Ammonium chloride-ammonium hydroxide 

Section B: Organic Chemistry 

1.  Detection of hetero elements in organic compounds. 

2.  Functional group tests for alcohols, phenols, carbonyl and carboxylic acid group.

3.  Purification of organic compounds by crystallization (from water and alcohol) and distillation. 

4.  Criteria of Purity: Determination of melting and boiling points. 

5.  Preparations: Mechanism of various reactions involved to be discussed. 

6.  Recrystallisation, determination of melting point and calculation of quantitative yields to be done.  A. Oxime of aldehyde/ketone 

b. 2,4 dinitrophenylhydrazone of aldehyde/ketone 

7.  Analysis of soaps and detergents.

8.  Preparation of Nylon-6, Nylon-66 9. Preparation of face cream

10. Vitamin-C preparation.

Minor Course
Credit: Theory-03, 45 Hours, Full Marks=75, Pass Marks= 30
Marks: 15 (5 Attd. + 10 SIE: 1Hr) + 60 (ESE: 3Hrs) =75 Pass Marks: Th (SIE + ESE) = 30

Instruction to Question Setter for

Semester Internal Examination (SIE 10+5=15 marks):

There will be two group of questions.

The Semester Internal Examination shall have two components. (a) One Semester Internal Examination Written Test (SIE) of 10 Mark. Question No.1 will be very short answer type in Group A consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Group B will contain descriptive type two questions of five marks each, out of which any one to answer. (b) Class Attendance Score (CAS) including the behaviour of the student towards teachers and other students of the College of 5 marks.

End Semester Examination (ESE 60 marks):

There will be two group of questions. Group A is compulsory which will contain three questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question No.2 & 3 will be short answer type of 5 marks. Group B will contain descriptive type five questions of fifteen marks each, out of which any three are to answer.

Note: There may be subdivisions in the questions of group B.

SECTION-A: Inorganic Chemistry

UNIT I: General Principles of Metallurgy: (5 Lectures) 

Chief modes of occurrence of metals based on standard electrode potentials.  Ellingham diagrams for reduction of metal oxides using carbon as reducing agent. 

Hydrometallurgy, Methods of purification of metals (Al, Pb, Ti, Fe, Cu, Ni, Zn): electrolytic, oxidative refining, Kroll process, Parting process, van Arkel-de Boer process and Mond’s process. 

UNIT II: s- and p-Block Elements: (5 Lectures)  

Periodicity in s- and p-block elements with respect to electronic configuration, atomic and ionic size, ionization enthalpy, electronegativity (Pauling, Mulliken, and Alfred-Rochow scales). Allotropy in C, S, and P. 

Oxidation states with reference to elements in unusual and rare oxidation states like carbides and nitrides), inert pair effect, diagonal relationship and anomalous behaviour of first member of each group. 

UNIT III: Compounds of s- and p-Block Elements: (10 Lectures)                                          Hydrides and their classification (ionic, covalent and interstitial), structure and properties with respect to stability of hydrides of p- block elements. Concept of multicentre bonding (diborane). Structure, bonding and their important properties like oxidation/reduction, acidic/basic nature of the following compounds and their applications in industrial, organic and environmental chemistry. Hydrides of nitrogen (NH3, N2H4, N3H, NH2OH)   Oxoacids of P, S and Cl.  Halides and oxohalides: PCl3, PCl5, SOCl2 and SO2Cl2

Section B: Physical Chemistry 

UNIT IV: Kinetic Theory of Gases: (15 Lectures) 

Postulates of Kinetic Theory of Gases and derivation of the kinetic gas equation. Most probable, average and root mean square velocities (no derivation). Collision number, collision frequency, collision diameter and mean free path of molecules. Maxwell Boltzmann distribution laws of molecular velocities and molecular energies (graphic representation – derivation not required) and their importance. 

Deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour, compressibility factor, causes of deviation. Van der Waals equation of state for real gases. Boyle temperature (derivation not required). Critical phenomena, critical constants and their calculation from van der Waals equation. Andrews isotherms of CO2. Viscosity of gases and effect of temperature and pressure on coefficient of viscosity (qualitative treatment only). 

UNIT V: Liquids: (4 Lectures) 

Surface tension and its determination using stalagmometer. Viscosity of a liquid and determination of coefficient of viscosity using Ostwald viscometer. Effect of temperature on surface tension and coefficient of viscosity of a liquid (qualitative treatment only) 

UNIT VI: Solids (6 Lectures) 

Forms of solids. Symmetry elements, unit cells, crystal systems, Bravais lattice types and identification of lattice planes. Laws of Crystallography – Law of constancy of interfacial angles, Law of rational indices. Miller indices. X–Ray diffraction by crystals, Bragg’s law. Structures of NaCl, KCl and CsCl (qualitative treatment only). Defects in crystals. Glasses and liquid crystals. 

Credit: Theory-01, 30 Hours, Full Marks=25, Pass Marks= 10

End Semester Examination (ESE): 

There will be one Practical Examination of 3 Hours duration. Evaluation of Practical Examination may be as per the following guidelines:
One Experiment = 15 marks
Practical record notebook = 05 marks
Viva-voce = 05 marks                                          

Section A: Inorganic Chemistry 

Qualitative semi micro analysis 

1.     Semi-micro qualitative analysis using H2S of mixtures- not more than four ionic species (two anions and two cations and excluding insoluble salts) out of the following:

Cations: NH4+, Pb2+, Ag+, Bi3+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Sn2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Co2+, Cr3+, Ni2+,Mn2+, Zn2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Ca2+, K+ 

Anions : CO3 2– , S2–, SO2–, S2O32–, NO3 , CH3COO, Cl, Br, I, NO3,SO42-, PO43-, BO33-, C2O4 2-, F-(Spot tests should be carried out wherever feasible)

Section B: Physical Chemistry 

(I)  Surface tension measurement (use of organic solvents excluded). 

a)  Determination of the surface tension of a liquid or a dilute solution using a stalagmometer. 

b)  Study of the variation of surface tension of a detergent solution with concentration. 

(II) Viscosity measurement (use of organic solvents excluded). 

a)  Determination of the relative and absolute viscosity of a liquid or dilute solution using an Ostwald’s viscometer. 

b)  Study of the variation of viscosity of an aqueous solution with concentration of solute. 

(III)Chemical Kinetics 

Study the kinetics of the following reactions.  

a.  Initial rate method: Iodide-persulphate reaction  

b.  Integrated rate method:  

c.  Acid hydrolysis of methyl acetate with hydrochloric acid.  

d.  Saponification of ethyl acetate.  

e.  Compare the strengths of HCl and H2SO4 by studying kinetics of hydrolysis of methyl acetate 


Subject Code: MDC-CHE
Credit: Theory-03, Full Marks=75, Pass Marks= 30, Lectures:45

Instruction to Question Setter for

End Semester Examination (ESE 75 marks):

There will be two group of questions. Group A is compulsory which will contain three questions. Question No.1 will be very short answer type consisting of five questions of 1 mark each. Question No. 2 & 3 will be short answer type of 5 marks. Group B will contain descriptive type six questions of fifteen marks each, out of which any four are to answer.

Note: There may be subdivisions in the questions of group B.

Unit-I: Food & Nutrition (12 Lectures)

Basic concept on Food, Nutrition and Nutrients. Classification of Food, Classification

of Nutrients. Carbohydrates-Definition, sources, classification, and properties Fatty acids-composition, properties, types. Lipids -Definition, sources, Classification & Properties, daily requirements, function Role & nutritional significances of PUFA, MUFA, SFA, W-3 fatty acid. Proteins- Definition, Sources, classification & properties, daily requirements, functions. Assessment of Protein quality (BV, PER, NPU). Vitamins- Definition, sources, classification, diseases caused by deficiency of Vitamins. Minerals - Definition, sources, classification, diseases caused by deficiency of minerals.

Unit-II Chemicals in Food (6 Lectures)

Introductory idea of Food colours, Flavours and sweeteners, Fat emulsifiers and stabilizing agents, Flour improvers - antistaling agents and bleaches, Antioxidants, Nutritional supplements such as minerals, vitamins and amino acids.

Unit-III Food Preservation (6 Lectures)

Food preservation: definition, objectives and principles of food preservation. Different methods of food preservation. Preserved Products: Jelly, Marmalade, Sauces, Pickles, Squashes, Syrups-Definitions, types, composition, storage, uses and nutritional aspects, Food Standards: ISI, Agmark, FPO, MPO, PFA, FSSAI.

Unit-IV Agrochemicals (6 Lectures)

Herbicides-Definition, Classification, properties, uses and health hazards, Fungicides Definition, Classification, properties, uses and health hazards, Insecticides- Definition, Classification, properties, uses and health hazards, traditional pesticides.

Unit-V Drugs and Medicines (6 Lectures)

Drugs- Definition, Classification, Antacids, Antihistamines, Tranquilizers, analgesics, antidepressant drugs, Antimicrobials, Antibiotics, Antiseptics and disinfectants, medicinal uses of common herbs and plants.

Unit-VI Chemistry of Materials (9 Lectures)

Soaps and Detergents – Definition, Classification & their action, Biofuels – Definition, Classification ,production of biofuels and its utility as alternative fuel source, Fibers: Definition, Classification and their uses, natural fibers, cotton, wool, silk, rayon, artificial fibers, polyamides, acrylic acid, PVC, PVA; Examples of natural biodegradable polymers synthetic biodegradable polymers. Use of polymeric materials in daily life.


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